Emotional Well‑being
Caring for Your Emotional Well‑being
When you have a chronic condition like Crohn’s disease, taking care of your emotional well‑being is so important. It can be hard to cope with all that it takes to manage your disease, but reducing stress and making your mental health a priority is crucial—and we’re here to help.
The impact of Crohn’s disease
Dealing with flares, planning around symptoms, and overall disease management can have a big impact on daily life—which can cause anyone to feel anxious and even depressed. A study conducted by the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation found that the rates of depression and anxiety were high among patients with Crohn’s disease and other inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs).
of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease had anxiety or depression
of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease had both anxiety and depression
This same study found that the patients who experienced anxiety and depression reported feeling more severe symptoms than those without these mood disorders.
Want to share your story? Contact us today to learn how your experience can help inspire others to plan for fun, not flares. Call 1-888-265-6544 or email CIMZIAChampions@mypatientstory.com for details.
Stress & your symptoms
While stress doesn’t cause Crohn’s disease, it can decrease the body’s resistance to inflammation, which can cause an increase in symptoms like abdominal pain or diarrhea. By reducing daily stressors, you may find it easier to manage your symptoms.
First you need to understand what the symptoms of stress can look like so that you can identify it and try to manage it. Common symptoms can be:
- Headaches
- Sleeplessness
- Changes in mood
- Anger and irritability
Tips for reducing stress
Reach out to your support system. Reach out to other members of the Crohn’s community, continue to stay in touch with family and friends, and be open with your care team.
Set priorities and realistic goals. Don’t take on too much and instead prioritize 1 or 2 tasks per week. Try focusing on goals that are within reach. It can look like anything from getting your steps in to cooking dinner at home twice a week.
Spend time with yourself. Take some “me-time” to show yourself a little love. Maybe go for a walk to clear your head, do a paint-by-numbers, or set aside time to do something relaxing.
Spend time with others. While having some weekly “me-time” is much needed, setting aside time to connect with your friends, family, or partner is a nice reminder of your support system.
Practice mindfulness exercises. Regular meditation/yoga is a great way to clear your head. You can also try deep breathing exercises, which are known to help calm the body.
Get moving. Physical exercise like a brisk walk, a scenic run, or a long bike ride are great ways to get your body moving, to help you stay healthy, and most important, to clear your mind.
Emotional well‑being support
Anxiety- & stress-reducing resources
Support groups
The CIMplicity®* Program
Ready to join
CIMplicity gives you access to savings
programs, nurse support,† and more. We can’t
wait to welcome you!
*The CIMplicity program is provided as a service of UCB and is intended to support the appropriate use of CIMZIA. The CIMplicity program may be amended or canceled at any time without notice. Some program and eligibility restrictions may apply.
†Nurse Navigators do not provide medical advice and will refer you to your healthcare professional for any treatment-related questions.
‡CIMplicity Savings Program Eligibility: Available to individuals with commercial prescription insurance coverage for CIMZIA. Not valid for prescriptions that are reimbursed, in whole or in part, under Medicare (including Medicare Part D), Medicaid, similar federal- or state-funded programs (including any state prescription drug assistance programs and the Government Health Insurance Plan available in Puerto Rico), or where otherwise prohibited by law. Product dispensed pursuant to program rules and federal and state laws. Claims should not be submitted to any public payer (i.e., Medicare, Medicaid, Medigap, TRICARE, VA, and DoD) for reimbursement. The parties reserve the right to amend or end this program at any time without notice. View complete eligibility requirements and terms at cimzia.com/cimplicity-program.
CIMplicity® Covered™ Eligibility: Eligible patients with a valid prescription for CIMZIA can receive treatment with the CIMZIA Prefilled Syringe at no cost for up to two years or until the patient’s coverage is approved, whichever comes first. Program is not available to patients whose medications are reimbursed in whole or in part by Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, or any other federal or state program or where otherwise prohibited by law. Patients may be asked to reverify insurance coverage status during the course of the program. No purchase necessary. Program is not health insurance, nor is participation a guarantee of insurance coverage. Limitations may apply. For initial enrollment into the program, the patient must be experiencing a delay in, or have been denied, coverage for CIMZIA by their commercial insurance plan. To maintain eligibility in the program, the following are required: (1) a prior authorization request has been submitted and/or coverage remains unavailable for the patient; and (2) if the prior authorization is denied by the payer, the prescriber must submit an appeal within the first sixty (60) days of the prior authorization denial and a prior authorization must be submitted every six (6) months thereafter or documentation as may otherwise be required by the payer. UCB reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend this Program without notice.